The Bristow Beacon: A Blog of the Bristow Institute of Theology
Eschatology of the New Testament According to Vos
According to Vos, the subject of eschatology plays a prominent part in New Testament teaching and religion.
Hermeneutics: A Foundation
Hermeneutics is the art and science of biblical interpretation. Dane C. Ortlund, writing for Crossway, says, “think optometry … hermeneutics is the pair of glasses … [it’s] not what you look at but what you look with.”
Women as Philanthropists
The philanthropic ministry has been a consistent pathway for women's Christian service throughout the centuries. It is an ancient craft.
What is a Worldview?
All humans have access to the same evidence, but their respective worldviews will determine how to interpret this evidence and the conclusion they will draw.
Looking Diligently to What we are Called
To cleave, therefore, fast unto Christ, and unto those promises which God has made us for his sake, is our wisdom.
New Covenant Renewal of the Body and Soul as Found in Jeremiah 31:31-34 (Part 1)
The American Church is on a dangerous trajectory leading to a bifurcation in our understanding of the body and soul.
The Science of Dogmatic Theology
The task of the dogmatician is to think God’s thoughts after him and to trace their unity.